Here’s my shortlist of favourite books that I’ve read on our long distance sea kayaking adventures. Some of these books set the tone and others reflected the mood. In my opinion, good books and good food are well worth their weight when travelling—even when I’m hauling them down and up the beach, from camp to boat and then from boat to camp, two times a day.
This list is a work in progress. So please leave a comment if you’ve read something that fits the occasion.

My shortlist of favourite books that I read while touring by sea kayak.
- Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man and life’s great lesson by Mitch Albom
- The Golden Spruce: a true story of myth, madness and greed by John Valliant
- Travels in Alaska by John Muir
- The Island Within by Richard Nelson
- Rowing to Latitude: journeys along the arctic’s edge by Jill Fredston.

Like the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio, The Guardian Weekly is staple in our family.

Happy reading. . .
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